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A little about me....

This is me.  I am Veronica and I am a sweet geek.  I am a geek/nerd/gamer/ type.  This means that movies, games - console and board, D&D - all that stuff is where I live!  It's my world and they know me here so it's okay.   When I had kids I started making their Halloween costumes from the beginning.  now we make all our own cosplay.   We are always working on new stuff.


When I started making Amigurumi I found that I could really make some awesomeness that people could cuddle.  Now I look for the creepy & Cute, the bizarre But Loveable - whatever you would not expect to see in a stuffed animal - that's it!


I have added ideas over time that I'm passionate to try.  They don't all work but that's okay.  Keep looking up and you'll see something new .

 In short, I love to create and see people smile.   


Welcome to my world.  It's okay.  They know me here!


The Home Team

That's me in the middle at last year's con.  The hair color may change from time to time but these are the folks that keep me doing what I love and I love doing stuff for them.  

The Kids

My best creations ever!  These two keep me hopping and are full of amazing ideas.  Donovan does amazing art work and Keira is the curve ball when it comes costumes.  

The Man Behind the Scenes

Posing with one of his video game heros, this is the guy that keeps me going.  He's never failed to support me and is always listening to my ideas, critquing me and happy to be the quiet guy in the background.

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